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Wadena County Commissioners: One time late tax fee abatement, ag plastic recycling and more


by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on June 4. Commissioner Jim Hofer was absent.

One Time Abatement of Late Tax Fee

Ed Bruns spoke to the commissioners about his property taxes. He shared he has properties in Traverse, Otter Tail, and Wadena counties. Bruns explained that he mailed his payment on April 14 and they were postmarked the 16th and he was charged a late payment penalty by Wadena County.

Bruns explained that Otter Tail County forgave the lateness and Traverse County sent him a letter explaining a 2017 law that forgives a one time late payment.

Wadena County sent him a bill of $44.96. He spoke with them on the phone and asked why that information is not sent out to the taxpayers.

He was told it is his responsibility to know the laws. He was mailed a form to sign. He felt that letter should be sent to everyone who paid a penalty.

Auditor/Treasurer Heather Olson explained it is a one time abatement at the request of the taxpayer, per the statute, and that the department has the form for record keeping purposes.

Olson said they are working on adding the language to the tax statement. She added that per statute only certain things can be added to the statement. . . .

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