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Wadena County Commissioners: Friendly Rider five year plan


by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on July 16. Commissioner Bill Stearns was absent.

Friendly Rider Five Year 

Transition Plan

Randy Jahnke, director of the Friendly Rider, and Lee Nichols,  WSB project manager, discussed the five year transit system plan. WSB was hired by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)as a consultant. WSB is concentrated in the central region that includes the Rainbow Rider Transit and several others. The “needs” portion came from the Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan. 

They are given constrained and unconstrained plans.

“The constrained plans the Friendly Rider will want to implement over the next five years. The unconstrained plan is the wish list. If they have additional funds it’s what they can do to improve their transit services,” explained Nichols. 

The consultants have been working on this since July 2018 and delivered the final plans in June. . . .

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