Phase one of the remodeling project is well underway.

Phase one of the remodeling project is well underway.
Wadena County Courthouse undergoing remodel
by Trinity Gruenberg
Phase one of the interior remodel of the Wadena County Courthouse began in March. This phase will cost approximately $25,000.
On the main floor the current IT area is being transformed into meeting rooms, bathrooms and an area for nursing mothers. The IT department will be moving into what was previously the probation office and attorney’s office.
The current deputy squad room will be remodeled to make offices for the future jail social worker.
The squad room will be moved to the probation area. The deputies, investigator and Drug Task Force member will all have office space assigned to them. The probation office was moved to the North Annex.
The county is utilizing the sentence to serve crew and their own maintenance staff for demolition and rebuilding walls.
The county also decided to update the ceilings of the lower level hallways which is another $10,000. This will include new LED light fixtures, ceiling grid, ceiling tile and painting the hallways.
Phase one of the work on the upper level should be complete in two weeks.
Phase two of the project will include the new law enforcement offices, Women’s STS locker room and all the lower level hallway ceilings and lights, at an estimated cost of $35,000.
Phase three is still being finalized.