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Wadena County Farm Bureau celebrates 100 years


    On March 6, 1918, Wadena County Farm Bureau was legally incorporated with a constitution and by-laws for the following purpose “to develop and foster the agricultural, social and commercial interest of the citizens of the county by the creation and development of cordial and friendly relations between all residents thereof, by encouraging and aiding the organization of social and business clubs within the various villages and businesses of the county.”

    In 1918, 243 families and businesses were counted as members, and in 1925 this had grown to 537. In 2017 there were 145 member units.

    Potatoes were the main cash crop in Wadena County until 1925.

    By 1925 dairying was the main industry and the Farm Bureau continued to provide education and worked with farmers to maximize their income potential. The Farm Bureau was connected with the Extension and 4-H in the early years. In 1936, in spite of Wadena County falling on tough times due to the depression and drought, Sebeka businessmen sponsored a picnic for Farm Bureau and the 4-H members. It was reported as the largest picnic in the history of Wadena County.

    The Farm Bureau continues to lobby for agricultural interests and offer many member services, even as the numbers of farmers decline and membership numbers decrease. As a grass roots organization, resolutions are initiated at the county level and adopted as policy if approved on the state and national levels.

    The Wadena County Farm Bureau will celebrate at a banquet this spring. Call the office at 218-631-4545 for more information.

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